Friday, July 4, 2008

Service and Fellowship

Last Sunday, we enjoyed the fruit of our labor as we had our first service in our newly decorated building. The paint is finished, the tables and chairs are in place, and all the details are nearing completion. We even added two calvary doves to make it official. We are looking forward to inviting more people to our cozy place of fellowship.

Jeremy's 2nd Birthday

Jeremy turned two last Monday and we had Tiago, Giseli, Louisa, John, Flavia and baby Daniel over for cake and fellowship. Jeremy is quickly catching up to Joanna. Now, they are an even match!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Caminho Melhor "A Better Way" Childrens Ministry

We were totally blessed to visit our dear friends Diego and Aline and to see their maturity in Jesus and them serving the kids of the villa (poor neighborhood). Pray for them!!

Sunrise from our apartment

Anyone out there who wants to visit? It is truly beautiful here in Brazil.

Monday, May 5, 2008

John teaching on serving Jesus

While Pastor John was away this Sunday, I was given another opportunity to teach God's Word. This was the third time and I am starting to enjoy teaching more. Keep praying as God opens up doors for me to teach. Grace and mercy!

Joanna showing off her climbing skills

We haven't found there is a whole lot of things to do for the kids in Curitiba. So when we were at the mall and saw this climbing apparatus, we couldn't pass up the opportunity for Joanna. Jeremy wasn't quite ready, but enjoyed the talking tree and frog with guitar in garden.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Trip to Floripa and Garopaba

This week we went down south about 3 hours to visit Claudio and Jessica Caze who are missionaries in Florinapolis also known as the surfing capital of Brazil. They had a team from Calvary Chapel Central Maui with them and spent time praying about what God may have us do down there in the future in Garopaba. Joanna and Jeremy really enjoyed the time on the sand and we were able to spend some time surfing.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter Retreat and Baptism

We were very blessed to drive 2 hours to a hotel on the beach to surf, fellowship, and study God's word. We were able to witness two saints get baptized and enjoy Easter morning on the beach! Thanks for your prayers. There were close to 40 people from 2 churches who attended.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Calvary Chapel Intl. Fellowship

It has been real exciting for us to see our little fellowship growing in Christ. Thanks for being a part of the ministry. We are so blessed to serve Jesus here in Curitiba!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Latest pics of the kids-

Joanna continues to do homeschooling with Dri. This pic shows the creativity of the two.
Jeremy watches his sister take off to swim class three times a week. I think this is getting to him.

Carnival Retreat '08

Check out the video from our retreat earlier this month. We had an awesome time visiting old friends and meeting many more. Roughly 100 people attended and all were blessed by the time in the Word, fellowship, worship, prayer, communion, and baptism.
Click on the following link to view:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Curitiba Outreach October '07

The video was taken during our last outreach

to prisons, schools, churches, and the city.

Hundreds of precious souls came forward.....

Monday, February 18, 2008

Creation of Rice family blog-

This is my first attempt at blogging. More will be added as time permits and I learn more. Stay tuned.....